خانه فرهنگ و هنر افغانستان | Afghanistan Culture & Arts House

Educational Section

Today's world is the world of communication.
Our world remains like a small village and even a house. The accelerated growth of the digital industry has created an unprecedented revolution in information sharing and synergism.
Therefore, training, acquaintance and entry into this world is one of the first-class priorities.

Foundation in this regard takes over the educational classes and tries his best in theoretical and practical education.

- Teaching techniques for freeing the mind (psychology)
- Teaching speed reading and strengthening memory
- Teaching the estern classical and original Afghan music in the field of singing and playing
- Learning to speak in Dari accent
- Teaching the basics of journalism
- Teaching editing techniques of radio, audio and video programs
-Teaching English

Speed reading and memory strengthening class

English class

Psychology workshop

Teaching theory and practice of music to interested students

Today's world is the world of communication.
Our world remains like a small village and even a house. The accelerated growth of the digital industry has created an unprecedented revolution in information sharing and synergism.
Therefore, training, acquaintance and entry into this world is one of the first-class priorities.

Foundation in this regard takes over the educational classes and tries his best in theoretical and practical education.

- Teaching techniques for freeing the mind (psychology)
- Teaching speed reading and strengthening memory
- Teaching the estern classical and original Afghan music in the field of singing and playing
- Learning to speak in Dari accent
- Teaching the basics of journalism
- Teaching editing techniques of radio, audio and video programs
-Teaching English

Speed reading and memory strengthening class

English class​

Psychology workshop​

Teaching theory and practice of music to interested students

Music students

A series of poetry and music classes

One of the goals of this foundation is to familiarize with Persian literature and prevent vulgar songs from spreading. For this purpose, it has launched a series of literary trainings using literature professors to establish a connection between contemporary musicians and poets.

Introduction and explanations about Rubab in the history of world music class at Ferdows University of Arts, Mashhad

Introducing the Rabab instrument by Shahab Hossein, a student of international music

Foundation students' performance in the gathernig of international and Iranian music students

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